
How ASEI Creates Navigation Solutions for Your Systems

How ASEI Creates Navigation Solutions for Your Systems

When GPS is denied or spoofed, navigational systems can become highly inaccurate without the assistance of an inertial navigation system. For over 25 years, ASEI has engineered products for use in critical applications for defense, aerospace, and other industries by innovating GPS/INS solutions. With decades of experience engineering resilient systems, ASEI is your partner for handling the defense questions of today and tomorrow, too. Just read on to learn how we create modern solutions for avionics systems.

GPS and Inertial Navigation Solutions

ASEI is an industry leader in systems engineering for aircraft in GPS-denied environments. The Advanced Tactical Navigation System (or ATACNAV, for short) designed by ASEI is used throughout different branches of the United States armed forces, as well as industry leaders in aerospace and defense. Furthermore, ASEI can customize navigation solutions for platforms, launchers, and test equipment, too. No matter what your project is, ASEI is equipped to create the best possible product.

Weapon Guidance and Flight Control

ASEI has engineered flight control systems for a wide array of projects. This includes the 11-ton “Mother of all Bombs” (or MOAB) as well as much smaller, long time-of-flight systems. Whether your project requirements demand simply hitting the target or utilizing multiple weapons to impact targets at several different vertical and heading angles, ASEI can create the right flight control systems for you.

Custom Cable Harnessing

With our array of defense cabling capabilities, there is a solution for every unique need. We can even design custom harnesses to add an extra dimension of specialized design. Our custom cable harnessing services include:

  • Electro-mechanical assembly
  • Calibrated equipment is used throughout the building process
  • All work is certified to J-STD-001 Class 3 and IPC 620 Class 3 standards
  • Each member of our workforce is certified to the same certifications

Electronics Design and Avionics Engineering

ASEI designs and produces a variety of electronics systems, including flight control computers used in precision-guided weapons, launcher systems, automated test equipment, and weapon trainers. Companies in the aerospace and defense sector must continue to deliver capabilities that meet all technical and performance requirements under budget and on schedule. This degree of program execution requires the bleeding-edge avionics systems delivered by ASEI.

System Modeling and Simulation

Technologies revolving around GPS/INS navigation and avionics are constantly evolving. A product that may seem innovative today can be outdated a year from now. Foresight is an important part of looking forward to the technological demands of the future. ASEI boasts sophisticated system modeling and simulation technology that enables our company to look ahead and help your organization plan for potential complications or advancements.

Embedded Flight Software

The most advanced navigation systems require the most advanced flight software. ASEI has designed, generated, tested, and flown the operational flight software for significant weapon systems such as the Miniature Air Launched Decoy, the Enhanced GBU-15, GBU-43 MOAB, GBU-69, and the AGM-176 “Griffin.”

When you partner with ASEI to create the best navigation solutions for your systems, you are choosing a leader in the field of revolutionary systems engineering. Our avionics systems are all engineered to succeed and deliver precise navigation even in GPS denied environments. To learn more about how ASEI can help your project, give us a call, or contact us online today.

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